First Earth Angel Insight Day 1-Open

IMG_1138 Expression and sensitivity…Not always the two words that I wanted to hear about myself…yet now it all makes sense… for the guiding missions some of us have chosen to be on…going inside for guidance…asking what was my message today?…as we step into our NEW EARTH…UNIVERSAL LOVE…we can be challenged in loving all those pieces of ourselves that are now coming together…so Open …open…be sensitive and loving to yourself in all ways…as we rise into our new frequency

We are all in our perfect place… as the energy from this new earth vibrates into our very BEING…that place where we go into universal nothingness…this is the place where there is no good and bad …right and wrong…where love springs open its portals of unlimited unconditional love of oneself…as the old earth is GONE…so let Go…Love….and watch things unfold…

My commitment is to continue to write daily and inspire others to do the same.. Heart to Heart Robyn