Earth Angel Insight Day 94-The Miracle of You!

imageAs we go inside we start to discover that we already are the Miracle of Life! It is not what we said, created, did, thought we should do, did not do, and on and on, that defines us. We AlREADY ARE! All ego drops aside, exposing its illusions! Even when ego wants to grasp on to spiritual superiority, we can chuckle at its humor.

When we wake up and return HOME to ourselves, we realize that the illusions of “not good enough” are simply stories that run out of gas, these stories may be pretty hard to let go of, yet once we start to peel the onion back, we recognize the pearl inside all of us!

Returning home to ourselves, no longer being run by our thoughts or circumstances, or others thoughts or circumstances, we find that space of peace and love, where we rest in ourselves “AS” creation, manifesting unlimited possibility’s by simply “BEING”.

Heart to Heart Robyn

6 thoughts on “Earth Angel Insight Day 94-The Miracle of You!

  1. Your welcome Lani, as this 90 thousand pound beautiful whale breeching on our whale watch Tues. reminded me of the awesomeness we already ARE as well. You are very aware Lani and that’s all it takes! Much love Robyn


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