Earth Angel Insight-Day 40-Within

This week I have joined in a writing challenge to find “The Angle” that best enhances my
rather than look “outside” for the answer…I said to myself “Go Within”…

Immediately..with irony as the calling card..I received my matter my punctuation..grammar..
spelling or fundamentals…I want my posts to best describe what it is like to go within and let go
of the external distractions…connecting to our spiritual selves together…with the light within being
my guide…to this place that is tranquil and still…bringing us together in a very high vibration…

Maybe this has happened automatically…yet speaking these words..allows for “The Angle” to reveal itself…
which takes me out of the physical…into our spiritual dance together…which sings in harmony with all
of life…bringing in more and more light…allowing for…rather than being against…

From this “ANGLE” “I” becomes “WE”…”THEM” becomes “US”…there is no separation…only light…
where “BEING”…with all it’s variations..becomes a virtual world…where harmony..serenity
and stillness guide us..

This is the “Angle” that says look and speak from within my friend…your place of high vibration…”BE” a guiding light..
as all is perfect in this moment…

Thank-you to my fellow bloggers and writing 201 to have me look deeper to “The Angle”
Heart to Heart Robyn