Earth Angel Insight Day 107- New Earth

I am going to open this post with a quote “To awaken within the dream is our purpose now. When we awaken within the dream, the ego created earth drama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous dream arises. This IS the NEW earth.” Elkhart Tolleimage

We have entered into a very powerful experience, one of expanding light and awakening, integration of higher frequencies is possible to be aware of and live in. Without attachment to our lower frequencies, our ego seems to drop away without the necessity for earth drama. We are currently experiencing the “Lions Gate” where powerful light helps us honor our divine selfs. 8 represents abundance and power and today we have triple 8’s. ” I happened to be pulled to post today and discovered that it is also day “8” for this post 1+7.”

This “NEW” earth power is very different than “OLD” earth power. There is no desire for control, manipulation, greed, anger, pain and suffering. There is no fear of lack. There is a peace and serenity in all of life’s experiences, including all those experiences we may call “challenging”. When we experience life where duality is an illusion, we no longer defend, and hold on with attachment. We realize that we have nothing to fear as it is only our illusions that create fear.

There is no “How To” or “How Not Too”  as we are all exactly where we are in our evolution. With no right or wrong to defend or to be better than, we see that all of life is in us, and we flow into our process without judgement of better than or less than. This is the journey of the “human” to recognize itself as one. Eternal, ageless, timeless being.

Heart to Heart Robyn
