Bye Bye 3D

What is 3D 4D 5D? Jim Self wrote this great explanation and fellow blogger Sindy shared it on her site. All I can say is thank-you to both for bringing this to “light” in this “now”


Pink Mandala

What Do You Mean, The 3rd Dimension is Going Away?


Jim Self

As the Age of Aquarius approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension.

In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience.

However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience.

Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well. With some basic information about what the Shift is, and what “dimensions” are, and with simple tools to help manage our thoughts…

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Earth Angel Insight Day 108-Integration

IMG_0932When we experience this moment completely, without duality, where right and wrong. good and bad, to forgive or not, becomes foreign to us, as if being judgmental of self and others was something that seemed to disappear in the night, there is a sense of freedom. There is a peace that even in our moments of chaos cannot be mistaken. We become aware that whatever ‘happens’ is simply a reflection of our own integration. We are incredible beings where internal love can transcend all things, and our divinity connects us all to the highest of creation.   Heart to heart R