Earth Angel Insight Day 37-Contemplation

IMG_0859So what is contemplation?… the definition…consideration…reverie…deliberation… thought…consideration…meditation…introspection…observation…all seem to come together into one… when I look from the inside out…

Growing up.. this seemed more difficult… as my observations seemed to be interpreted by my external world..I began to doubt my extra sensory..paranormal interpretations..and began to have trouble communicating my experiences to others…

Now in this present moment…I am grateful for all those moments of being misunderstood…so I can have compassion for all people who have challenges connecting to the external world… while having such a strong sensitive nature…finding the grounding in my heart.. bringing this balance… not happening over night..going inside has been my path… being in this stillness is matter what external chaos is presented to me..I feel a sense of meditative balance inside…No longer NEEDING to explain..blame..expect…feel guilty or take on someone else’s experience…the peace that exists is beyond my worldly comings and goings…entering into this high vibration of stillness within..allows for all experiences to exist..with full acceptance in this timeless now…this is what is considered the Golden Age…that of internal peace….Heart to Heart Robyn

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